Sandlot Hardcore Relaunch: Available now!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by c0wg0d, Mar 30, 2017.

  1. Bezoarnut

    Bezoarnut Artisan Elder VIP

    I'm curious, what do people thing about the frequency of resets?

    Before, I was one of the advocates of monthly resets. After a few days of playing though, I'm still a fan of frequent resets, but wonder if every 2 months might be better. There's just not that much time in a month, so I'm finding myself often saying, 'Nah, it's not worth doing that if it'll all be gone that soon.'

    Perhaps monitor after a few resets, and reassess?
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  2. Definitely because unless we change the reset time people won't have as much to do and it will get repetitive to be honest now if you find a big cave and carry a bunch of health potions you still can have a fair chance of surviving but what is the point going to get better gear (enchants full diamond) build a super nice big house make a mob farm auto potion brewer ect.
  3. zilory

    zilory Watching the days go by Elder Helper

    @Kyukuro said they were thinking about quarterly resets by which I think he means every 4 months? But as he also said it's sort of in a testing phase right now they will try to figure out what works.
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  4. Kyukuro

    Kyukuro Elegant Builder of Pointy Structures Moderator Elder Helper VIP

    Quarterly is every 3 months :p
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  5. zilory

    zilory Watching the days go by Elder Helper

    I was tired when I wrote that cut me some slack :p
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  6. dj_H

    dj_H Your Skyblock Host

    When I was (more of) a kid... I used to think "a quarter past 2 o'clock" meant 2:25... because, you know... 25 cents is a quarter? Being 10 minutes late all the time was my best teacher. So I know now that quarterly does not mean every 25 months.

    Anyway- I can see how a 1 month reset might turn many of the busier players off; they'd get their few days of hard work in, go on a trip or get swamped with school or work, and come back to a reset (minecraft work erased). (and how long does it take to slay the ender dragon?) One thing to consider is the map sizing for longer than 1 month-- will the map be stripped of ore and other limited resources by the time the players who are busy in real life get down time and can play again? Will there be any un-looted temples/dungeons etc? I don't know the answer here. I have a feeling this map size might be ok for 3 months. I mentioned that the size works for me regarding the random TP after death. I saw 25 players on at once... how many play hardcore? 50? I guess that is about (5,000x5,000/50) 500,000 blocks per player? Small claim sizes really help out here too-- less change of strip mining being halted when you hit a claim...

    I love testing! All this will be answered soon!
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  7. zilory

    zilory Watching the days go by Elder Helper

    @_Razz already has enough eyes of ender to go to the end but he is waiting to do a group event I think...
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  8. _Razz

    _Razz Redstone Warrior Moderator Elder VIP

    Yes, I planned on going to kill the dragon on this coming Saturday April 8th, 2017 around noon Central US time. Anyone willing to take their chances with me can come along for the fun(deaths.)
    I know @BellStar03 and Matteo(Matteon) are both joining me already.

    One word of warning however, "Going to the End is a one way ride." There will be no way to get out of it until the ender dragon is killed and the End Game Portal is created. Even then, @c0wg0d and I are not sure where you will transport to when you go into it. We think to the original spawn location where everyone started the game. It will truly be an adventure. (Note: If you die in the end you will be reborn back in the Overworld in a random spot just like when you die there now.)

    Portal coordinates are at -1435/22/-810
    Best to get there in the nether at -180/68/-100
    You will find a convenient portal there
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2017
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  9. zilory

    zilory Watching the days go by Elder Helper

    I won't be here on the 8th.... :/
  10. I will try to come and will be bringing lot of health potions so I can heal problem is is without feather fall I'm going to die if I come but getting it then losing their enchants after the reset will be no fun either guess I will have to decide if enchanting is worth it.
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  11. Giraffon

    Giraffon Legendary Helper

    Is PvP function on? Do I need to watch for other players? I just saw this so I'll try to pry myself away from my Skyblock obsession to check it out. Sounds very interesting!
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  12. zilory

    zilory Watching the days go by Elder Helper

    No there is no PVP.
  13. Bezoarnut

    Bezoarnut Artisan Elder VIP

    Here's another idea, which might make sense *if* the frequency of resets is decreased to, say, every 3 months.

    What about for every *X* amount of non-AFK time on-server, that 1 death is 'forgiven' and removed? Perhaps for every 5 - 10 hours of non-AFK play?

    The purpose would be to encourage activity by taking advantage of the desire (by some people anyway!) to maximize their ranking on the Points leaderboard, and to encourage slightly more risk-taking behavior.

    This wouldn't necessarily make any sense if resets happen frequently, though, because then the pressure should be to get as much done in as quickly as possible, without dying.
    • Agree Agree x 3
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  14. Bezoarnut

    Bezoarnut Artisan Elder VIP

    dj_H and folks were testing death respawning and dj's theory was that all respawns occurred only at positive values.

    Again, I don't know Java, but I thought I'd peek in the code and think I found the bug in the file:

        public Location randomRespawnLocation() {
            Random random = new Random();
            int x = random.nextInt(maxX - minX + minX);
            int z = random.nextInt(maxZ - minZ + minZ);
            int y = plugin.getHardcoreWorld().getHighestBlockYAt(x, z);
            return new Location(plugin.getHardcoreWorld(), x, y, z);
    I think that you want the +minX and +minZ to be OUTSIDE the random.nextInt() function, because otherwise, the -minX + minX and -minZ + minZ just cancel out to zero, so you're just doing random.nextInt(maxX) and random.nextInt(maxZ), which would explain what dj_H found.

    In the meantime, bases in the +X and +Z quadrant of the world are probably a lot more desirable...


    Edited to add:

    For people who are curious what the boundaries are set to, the config.yml file includes:

        min-x: -1000
        max-x: 1000
        min-z: -1000
        max-z: 1000
    ... suggesting that the intended range should be -1000 to +1000 for the X and Z coordinates.
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2017
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  15. c0wg0d

    c0wg0d Master Owner Moderator Helper VIP

    It is awesome that I have eyeballs looking at my code! Thanks for the heads up on this. I will try and fix it this weekend.

    Also the default config has a range from -1000 to 1000, but I actually changed it on the server to be from -2500 to 2500.
    • Like Like x 2
  16. Bezoarnut

    Bezoarnut Artisan Elder VIP


    :) It _almost_ makes me want to learn Java. Sadly, though, I'm already trying to learn too much (currently R, Python, and Swift / iOS), and I don't think trying to do Java at the same time would turn out so well... Maybe someday...
    • Like Like x 4
  17. dj_H

    dj_H Your Skyblock Host

    @Bezoarnut my hero!!! Thank you! So, at first I felt unlucky with my respawns (since the @dj_H free Iron Golem Farms are far in the north west at -1030 -830). Then I felt paranoid that UHC had it in for me... I asked around and no one could confirm that they'd been negatively TP'd after death-- so I began some testing of my own; @BellStar03 style! 5 deaths... all in the southeast. What are the chances? @Bezoarnut suggested that I look under the hood- since @c0wg0d gave the code up to the public... I hit the link and began to dive in...shortly after--> confusion took over and I went looking for that bag behind the seat in front of me! thanks for taking point on this, again @Bezoarnut !
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2017
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  18. Monkey_Chicka

    Monkey_Chicka Insert coffee to start Moderator Helper VIP

    I took a world death tour and died about 12 or so times. I did notice that it wasn't that random. I ended up somewhat near the same places a few times. Now this all explains it.
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  19. Avatar_plays_MC

    Avatar_plays_MC Help I'm stuck in a simulation!

    Wow... those green-roofed houses that spawn in forests have tons of great loot! I went and found two, and got all this:
    • 10 golden apples
    • 4 enchanted golden apples
    • 5 enchantment tables
    • 64 books
    • 8 diamonds
    • 2 anvils
    • 3 diamond horse armor
    • 4 sharpness III books
    • 3 silk touch books
    • 3 fortune III books
    • 11 emeralds
    • 8 golden carrots
    • 27 tnt
    • 63 redstone dust
    • 29 glowstone dust
    • 50 gunpowder
    • 1 nametag
    • 1 Protection IV and unbreaking III book
    And a partridge in a pear tree! :D
    • Like Like x 5
  20. CaptainFinner

    CaptainFinner The Funny One Helper VIP

    Same. I have died several times, and each time can easily return to my house. It's been three-five deaths so far...At first I thought I was just lucky, but it's too frequent to be luck.
    • Beautiful Beautiful x 1