Not whitelisted, probably account migration issue?

Discussion in 'Get Help!' started by Plinkachu, Feb 25, 2023.

  1. Plinkachu

    Plinkachu Expert VIP

    I've been away for some time, and I'm guessing the Mojang-to-Microsoft account change is making it so that I don't appear whitelisted anymore. I'm also a VIP, and I'd like to make sure my whitelist/VIP status transfers over to my Microsoft account.

    I had been playing Bedrock as well as Java previously, so when attempting to do the migration Minecraft said I couldn't complete the transfer, so I'm just playing using my Microsoft account now. That's another potential reason it's not recognizing me.

    Both the old Mojang account and the Microsoft Account are associated with the same email address, but have different profile names. The new Java edition profile name associated with my Microsoft account is "AxolotlInABox".

    Can I get some help reassociating my Sandlot identity with my account and new profile name so I can hop back in? Thanks!
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  2. LifeLearner

    LifeLearner The One Who Knows Moderator Elder VIP

    I see this username is a valid Java-edition account, with a different UUID than Plinkachu. If AxolotlInABox is your new Java-edition account, you must have your parent submit a whitelist request for that account. I checked and that account is not currently whitelisted.

    Your parent will have to use a discrete email address (not the same one as for Plinkachu). They can do that by appending your username to the end of the email name. []

    Sounds like you no longer control the Plinkachu account, due to migration issues. If this is true, please let us know. We will remove it from the whitelist.

    It is technically possible to move the Plinkachu forums information to the new account. This will entirely remove Plinkachu. Be sure you want to do this before you request it. And AxolotlInABox will have to be whitelisted first.

    If you still control the Plinkachu account, but prefer AxolotlInABox to be your primary account, you should have the Plinkachu account come onto Sandlot and transfer any plots, claims, or Skyblock island to AxolotlInABox. If you plan to use both, then Plinkachu can trust AxolotlInABox.
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  3. Plinkachu

    Plinkachu Expert VIP

    Got it, will do that in a minute.

    I do still control the Plinkachu account, but when I try to use it in Minecraft it directs me to the Microsoft Account migration process, which then fails because my Microsoft Account already has a Minecraft license (I played Bedrock and Java both at the same time, before they merged the accounts). I could create a new Microsoft account in order to to the migration, but then I'd have a second Microsoft account to deal with that I don't want to create and manage. I can still log into both accounts, it just won't let me actually play with the Plinkachu one since it is pending migration.

    We're open to suggestions on what will actually be the most helpful. We could complete the migration to a new secondary Microsoft account if that's the most helpful part of navigating the whole process, but that's not the Microsoft account that we want to use as the primary one to play with. Really, the goal here is just to keep playing Minecraft and avoid fragmenting and fracturing accounts, and to get the whitelist and VIP status back to active for the primary account. As far as the Sandlot is concerned, we just want to make sure existing creative plots and things are associated with the account that will be used going forward, whichever one that ends up needing to be. The migration process seems to be forcing us to use the different UUID, which isn't what we really want to do, but it won't let us migrate the Plinkachu account and UUID to the Microsoft Account that we already use for various other accounts and services.

    We'll take another look at the migration steps... I wish there were a way to actually tell it you really do want to "merge" a previous Mojang/java account with a Bedrock / Microsoft Account, as that's what we really want to do here. We can't be the only ones who have run into this. Ah, well.
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  4. Crafter074

    Crafter074 Expert

    Parent here-- I'm... a bit confused. Since the goal is to avoid losing past history and to avoid fragmenting accounts... reading the FAQ/whitelist instructions, this walks through creating a new account and getting that whitelisted. We aren't creating a new account, that's really the main goal. It appears we might be forced to change to a different UUID as the primary key under the hood, but the email address is identical, as is the player themselves... it's the same person, playing the same game, with the same email. The UUID is the only field that's changing. We would have tried to avoid changing the account display name as well, but of course it requires a unique value there so that's where AxolotlInABox comes from. We're trying to change or recreate as little as possible, since we just want to play and aren't actually intending to create/change anything.

    The current situation is that we can't actually play with the Mojang account, we can log in, and then it directs us to migration. Migration is blocked because the Microsoft Account with the same email, which is my kid's account already for other services, already has a Minecraft purchase on it so it won't let us migrate/merge. We don't want to move it to a separate 2nd Microsoft account, that would force us to have two Microsoft Accounts which is far from ideal. So... that's where we're stuck for the moment. Can't use the Mojang/Java account, can't migrate, already have a Microsoft account. So... one path would be to try and switch things to the new UUID... if that isn't possible, which I can understand... then... I'd love suggestions that minimize how many accounts we have to create and manage...
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  5. c0wg0d

    c0wg0d Master Owner Moderator Helper VIP

    We are in quite a pickle here! Essentially, based on what you have said, we have 2 options.

    1. You forfeit the Plinkachu account. We remove Plinkachu from the whitelist and change your forums name to AxolotlInABox. This would require us to transfer all your balances, claims, plots, kits, etc. from Plinkachu to AxolotlInABox. This would take a lot of effort on our end, but it is doable.

    2. You contact Minecraft Support and tell them you want to move the AxolotlInABox Minecraft: Java Edition account to a different Microsoft account, or possibly even just forfeit the account if you never intend to use it again. You then can do the migration of the Plinkachu account to your Microsoft account, and nothing on The Sandlot's side would have to be done. Minecraft Support is here:

    The wrinkle in this whole process unfortunately showed up when you purchased a new Minecraft account on the Microsoft account you wanted to use for migration. As I see it, one of the two options above would solve the issue. Let us know how you would like to proceed.
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  6. Crafter074

    Crafter074 Expert

    ... yeah, given this seems like it all stems from the migration issue on the Minecraft side, #2 probably makes the most sense.

    We purchased Minecraft Java a loooong while back, and Bedrock as well right when it came out... I believe at the time there wasn't a way to share a license across both, but I could be remembering incorrectly. It does seem like those separate purchases are what are colliding now, given the systems have effectively merged.

    I'll work it out with Minecraft and Microsoft support, and let you know what we figure out! Thanks so much for your help and patience!
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  7. LifeLearner

    LifeLearner The One Who Knows Moderator Elder VIP

    I migrated my main account (this one) and an alternate account. I did create a separate Microsoft account and a discrete email address for the alternate account. While not ideal, it seems like creating another Microsoft account and then migrating Plinkachu would solve your issue.

    If you also wanted AxolotlInABox to play on Sandlot too, then you just need to get it whitelisted.
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