
Discussion in 'Get Help!' started by THE_GLOSS, Nov 9, 2014.


    THE_GLOSS Expert Helper

    Hello everyone,
    I've seen lots of players here on the forums who are higher ranks, and I've gathered that the beginner's rank is 'initiate'. I'd be grateful if someone told me how these worked and how you can rank up.

    Many thanks, THE_GLOSS :eek:
  2. c0wg0d

    c0wg0d Master Owner Moderator Helper VIP


    THE_GLOSS Expert Helper

    Thank you c0w! Which trophy is the first rank up point?
  4. c0wg0d

    c0wg0d Master Owner Moderator Helper VIP

    I want to say it's Craftsman, but I forget... :(
  5. Albinia

    Albinia Time Lady Helper

    it's Initiate, then Apprentice, then Novice, then Craftsman, then Adept. Dunno what's after Adept atm. {Expert maybe?}
  6. Aridii

    Aridii Ruler of Galaxies

    than its expert and than its artisan and master and grandmaster and lastly its waymaster.
  7. RexofAvalon

    RexofAvalon Master Helper

    that is for the svs ranks we are talking about the forums ranks.they are a bit different here then in svs
  8. TheOneCrafter

    TheOneCrafter PVP Master Helper VIP

    I'm guessing Master is after Adept, although i could be wrong.
  9. RexofAvalon

    RexofAvalon Master Helper

  10. Aridii

    Aridii Ruler of Galaxies

    oh sry:/
  11. Aridii

    Aridii Ruler of Galaxies

    dide'nt know.
  12. RexofAvalon

    RexofAvalon Master Helper

    no problem when i first saw the forums ranks i thought it was supposed to be the same as my svs rank :p