Sandlot 2024 Graduation Celebration - June 15

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by LifeLearner, Jun 2, 2024.

  1. LifeLearner

    LifeLearner The One Who Knows Moderator Elder VIP

    We want to honor the hard work and achievements of those Sandlot players who are graduating this year. We are planning a celebration on Saturday, 15 June 2024, for all interested graduates.

    Participant Criteria:

    1. You are graduating this year (homeschool, public school, private school...) from your intermediate or senior level education program, or from post-secondary education. (Post-secondary education includes college graduations for anyone earning an Associate, Bachelor, Master, or Doctoral degree, or anyone earning a Trade School Certification.)

    In the spoiler are my best estimates of equivalencies for USA, Canada, UK, and Australia education programs. If you are graduating from your country's intermediate or senior education program, and want to participate, please let us know.

    Senior Education Programs
    • In the US, you are graduating from High School.
    • In Canada, you are graduating from High School.
    • In the UK, you are completing Key Stage 5.
    • In Australia, you are graduating from Senior High School.
    Intermediate Education Programs
    • In the US, you are completing Middle School or Junior High School.
    • In Canada, you are completing grade 8.
    • In the UK, you are completing Key Stage 4.
    • In Australia, you are completing Junior High School.

    2. You would like to participate in this celebration.


    Action Needed: If you meet the above criteria, please send a conversation to @LifeLearner saying that you'd like to participate. Please include your answers to these questions, based on your graduation group.

    High School Graduation / Senior High School Graduation / Key Stage 5

    1. What are your general plans after graduation:
    A. enter the working world;
    B. continue with school (college or vocational);
    C. participate in volunteer work (Peace Corps, Americorps, etc.);
    D. serve in the military​

    2. What is your dream job for the future?

    Middle School Graduation /Junior High School Graduation / Key Stage 4 / Grade 8 Completion

    1. What are you most excited to do in High School?
    A. particular courses of study and/or
    B. specific extracurricular activities (sports, clubs, performance groups, etc.)​

    2. What is your dream job for the future?

    1. What are you most excited to do in Sixth Form?
    A. particular courses of study and/or
    B. specific extracurricular activities (sports, clubs, performance groups, etc.)​
    • If you are in the UK and not going into Sixth Form, what are your general plans after graduation?
    2. What is your dream job for the future?


    The celebration will take place in the Lobby (special event area) at the times below.

    Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) 8 AM
    Mountain Daylight Time (MDT) 9 AM
    Central Daylight Time (CDT) 10 AM
    Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) 11 AM
    British Summer Time (BST) 4 PM
    Australian Western Standard Time (AWST) 11 PM Saturday (June 15)
    Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST) 1 AM Sunday (June 16)
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2024
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  2. vxnillam0cha

    vxnillam0cha Condescending Violin

    I graduated (I believe) this year but I can’t make it!! Congratulations to every graduate though <3
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  3. LifeLearner

    LifeLearner The One Who Knows Moderator Elder VIP

    Send me your information and we will still celebrate you in absentia!
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  4. TinLeavesTheBin

    TinLeavesTheBin the most tinsane of them all Helper

    Hi, I’m from the UK and to let you know, Key Stage 4 is the same thing as GCSEs. GCSEs are a (usually) 2-year qualification finished when you’re 16, and you’re able to leave school then, but most people stay in school for 2 more years till they are 18 in ‘Sixth Form’ (which is either an extension of the secondary school you went to from ages 11-16 or at another school specifically for sixth form) to do the A-Level qualification or something equivalent (like the International Baccalaureate diploma). Searched it up because i wasn’t sure myself, but apparently GCSE level is a Level 1 or 2 qualification and A-Level (or similar) level is a Level 3 qualification. The UK school system is quite different to the US’ and other systems that have middle and high school, so i guess technically finishing Key Stage 3 (from age 11-14) would be the same as finishing middle school, though at the end of KS3 there are no changes of school or big exams so it’s not much of a graduation; you just start studying for the GCSEs at the same school you’ve been at. So for the sets of questions, I’m assuming finishing A-Levels (or similar) would have the ‘senior’ questions (as after that you go into university, the workplace, etc.), and then GCSEs would have the ‘intermediate’ ones? since before that there isn’t really a ‘graduation’ or qualifications gained? I hope I explained this decently, if anything’s unclear i can elaborate. Just wanted to double check before i went off and answered the wrong questions haha. :)
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  5. LifeLearner

    LifeLearner The One Who Knows Moderator Elder VIP

    *sobs* D:

    If I understand (totally don't), then I think you are saying that I should change Key Stage 4 to Key Stage 3?

    Yes, if you are going to work or university, then you are Senior Level. If you are completing KS3, then you are Intermediate Level.
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  6. TinLeavesTheBin

    TinLeavesTheBin the most tinsane of them all Helper

    Sorry it’s so confusing. =C
    To try and explain what i meant about the different Key Stages: In the UK we have Primary school (which is like elementary school), and then after that we only really have 1 other school, which is Secondary school, that we go to, (which is basically like if you were to squash middle and high school together and make it 1 school). So the end of KS3 is just in the middle of secondary school (at age 14) so i don’t think it warrants a ‘graduation’ per se because you’re not moving to a new school or getting any qualification, it’s just the end of another year of school.
    At the end of KS4 however (when you’re 16 (i guess this is like halfway through high school in the US?)), you’ve completed your GCSE exams (which are quite a big deal, jobs can ask about GCSE grades if you have no further education) and you’ve ‘graduated’ your secondary education in a sense - lots of schools have proms and events like that at the end of KS4. Then after KS4, you have the option to go into 'Sixth Form', which is ‘Key Stage 5’, (I guess equivalent to the last two years of high school), though some people don’t do this and end their education after KS4 at age 16. Also, it’s common for people to go to a different secondary school to do KS5, so the end of GCSEs (KS4) is quite like a graduation from your secondary school for a lot of people.
    At the end of KS5/'Sixth Form' you get qualifications from your A-Level exams (or other similar exams like the International Baccalaureate), which are the grades you use to apply to university with, and are the most important exams you’ll do in school if you do them.

    It’s frustrating because the systems are so different that there aren’t really direct equivalents between the US system and the UK one. =C

    My suggestion:
    Considering what makes the most sense to me in relation to how UK schools work, would be to have the ‘Senior’ graduation requirement be changed to ‘Key Stage 5 completion’, since this aligns with the end of High School (you finish KS5 when you’re 18 ) and you go to university, the workplace, etc. after this.
    Then keep the ‘Intermediate’ graduation requirement as ‘Key Stage 4 completion’ since whilst it isn't exactly the same as graduating from Middle School, it's the closest equivalent kind of graduation in the UK, I'd say.

    Though also, after KS4, if you choose to do KS5 then you go to 'Sixth Form', not High School, so the phrasing of the questions doesn't really match D:D:. If this is alright, and it's totally fine if not, maybe adding '(or Sixth Form)' or something similar to the first question could make it clear for those in the UK as to what it's asking.
    And since not everyone continues school after KS4 in the UK, maybe adding something like '(If you're in the UK and not going into Sixth Form, what are your general plans after graduation?)' could help to include those people too. Of course if you think these additions to the questions wouldn't work, you don't need to add them, I just thought they might help to make it clearer for people in the UK and more inclusive of how school works here.

    I hope this made a little more sense than my first post.
    Since I still probably haven't explained myself very well, this is a hopefully decipherable summary of what I think would make the most sense:

    --> Change the 'Senior Education Programs' for the UK from 'In the UK, you have completed GCSE exams or achieved Level 1 or 2 qualifications' to:
    • In the UK, you are completing Key Stage 5.
    --> Keep the 'Intermediate Education Programs' for the UK the same (completing Key Stage 4).

    --> Maybe make a few additions to the 'Intermediate' questions to make them make more sense in relation to the UK school system, for example, something like:

    1. What are you most excited to do in High School (or in the UK, Sixth Form)?
    A. particular courses of study and/or
    B. specific extracurricular activities (sports, clubs, performance groups, etc.)

    (If you are in the UK and not going into Sixth Form, what are your general plans after graduation?)

    2. What is your dream job for the future?

    Though this last point entirely up to your discretion as to whether you think it would be too confusing or not.

    I really hope this made sense and am sorry for all of the trouble about this. :') Thank you.
    • Informative Informative x 3
  7. fatbuggles

    fatbuggles A Bit Bugg-y

    In the UK, Key Stage 4 corresponds to GCSEs, a qualification typically completed at age 16. After GCSEs, students can leave school but most continue for two more years in Sixth Form, which can be part of their current secondary school or a separate institution, to pursue A-Levels or equivalent qualifications like the International Baccalaureate.

    GCSEs are considered Level 1 or 2 qualifications, while A-Levels are Level 3. The UK system differs from the US system, which has middle and high schools. Completing Key Stage 3 (ages 11-14) is akin to finishing middle school in the US, but without any major exams or school changes.

    For the questions:

    • "Senior" questions should be for those finishing A-Levels (or equivalent), as they are preparing for university or work.
    • "Intermediate" questions should be for those completing GCSEs, as this is the first significant qualification stage.
    I made it more clear so everyone understands. Hope this helps.
  8. fatbuggles

    fatbuggles A Bit Bugg-y

    In the UK, when you’re around 14 to 16 years old, you study for GCSEs, which are important exams you take at the end of this period. Most kids stay in school after GCSEs for two more years in something called Sixth Form to take even harder exams called A-Levels or something similar.

    Here's a simple breakdown:

    • GCSEs (ages 14-16): Important exams you take to finish this stage. After this, you can leave school or continue.
    • Sixth Form (ages 16-1:cool:: More school to take A-Levels, which you need for university or certain jobs.
    The UK school system is different from the US, which has middle and high school. In the UK, there's no big graduation at age 14 (like finishing middle school); you just start preparing for GCSEs at the same school.

    For the questions:

    • "Senior" questions are for students finishing A-Levels, as they are ready for university or work.
    • "Intermediate" questions are for students finishing GCSEs, as it’s their first big qualification.
    Here is another simpler version for younger players
  9. LifeLearner

    LifeLearner The One Who Knows Moderator Elder VIP

    I think I fixed the first post as you recommended. Please look it over and let me know.

    It's no trouble. I appreciate the time and effort you expended to explain this! Thanks! :D
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  10. PipWil

    PipWil Look out for the PipWil!

    In the US there are 12 grades. Grades 9-12 are called high school. Most people who are 16 years old are in 10th or 11th grade which is about halfway. Middle school (or junior high school) is a bit more confusing. Middle school starts in 5th, 6th, or 7th grade depending on the city you live in and ends in 8th grade.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  11. TinLeavesTheBin

    TinLeavesTheBin the most tinsane of them all Helper

    Yes, thank you! It still says 'GCSE or Level 1/2 completion' above the senior graduation questions but other than that it's all good! :D
    You're welcome, and thank you again. :)
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  12. LifeLearner

    LifeLearner The One Who Knows Moderator Elder VIP

    Changed that to Key Stage 5. Is that better?
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  13. TinLeavesTheBin

    TinLeavesTheBin the most tinsane of them all Helper

    Yes, thanks. :)
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  14. LifeLearner

    LifeLearner The One Who Knows Moderator Elder VIP

    Our 2024 Graduation Celebration is tomorrow!

    Hope you all come out to support our graduates and extend your good wishes as they transition!
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  15. c0wg0d

    c0wg0d Master Owner Moderator Helper VIP

    The ceremony is starting NOW!
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  16. MCtwilight

    MCtwilight Ed Shakespearean Moderator Elder Helper VIP

    I’m not able to make it to the ceremony, but huge congratulations to all of the 2024 Sandlot graduates! :D
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  17. c0wg0d

    c0wg0d Master Owner Moderator Helper VIP

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  18. LifeLearner

    LifeLearner The One Who Knows Moderator Elder VIP

    Our graduation was so much fun!

    Here is who we celebrated and what they hope to achieve in their futures. Please send them a note of congratulations!

    Intermediate/Middle School or Level

    FireMaster_2010 is most excited to be able to choose classes, and participating in extracurricular activities: Soccer, Basketball, Baseball, and Yearbook.
    • Dream job: Soccer player for the USA men's national team

    kabo0m is most excited to take new course like special engineering and Honors Algebra II.
    • Dream job: Engineer (Aerospace, Computer, Bio-) or Lawyer

    KoolWhip515 is most excited to participate in marching band and travel to exciting places.
    • Dream job: Computer Engineer

    ladybxg is most excited to continue archery and working to obtain college scholarships.
    • Dream job: Something with animals, like training service animals

    TinLeavesTheBin is most excited to study anthropology & Japanese, and to participate in school theatre.
    • Dream job: Programmer or Actor

    vxnillam0cha is most excited to study Biology and Violin
    • Dream job: Nursing (pediatric, hospice, or general RN)

    Senior High School/Secondary Level

    Bam_Boom_Boy plans to attend college
    • Dream job: Something involving the law

    CaliRose06 plans to attend welding school (can send a note via sibling StarFire2021)
    • Dream job: Become a professional welder

    fivesisaguy plans to attend college and work part-time
    • Dream job: Video Editor or Video Game Developer

    lolo5151 plans to attend college after working for the summer
    • Dream job: Teacher (History or 3D Art) and/or Camera Operator for nature films/documentaries

    Post-Secondary School

    Neco0807 graduated from a jewelry school and plans to enter the working world.
    • Dream job: Become a jewelry diamond-setter for a famous diamond brand in New York.
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  19. KevinBoyette

    KevinBoyette Civil Engineering Specialist Elder

    Sorry I missed this. Timing didn't work out. =C Hope all you graduates had fun though! :p
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  20. CaptainBW

    CaptainBW Artisan

    Oh man. I graduated 7th grade this year and I am going to 8th grade. Sad, I didn't get to attend the graduation party; Though, I will, after, I graduate 8th grade!
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