Forum Username and Badge changes

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by c0wg0d, Oct 16, 2016.

  1. WanderingLlama

    WanderingLlama Wayfaring Drama Moderator Elder Helper VIP

  2. the_new_bo

    the_new_bo Hero

    Waiting for someone to have 4 badges tbh xd
  3. _Onion

    _Onion Farm Fresh Onions! Helper VIP

    C0w would have but he deleted his elder star so it wouldn't be spammy :p
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  4. dwaaal

    dwaaal Master

    Thanks c0w!
  5. FrogDistributor

    FrogDistributor Master VIP

    only just saw this post, i have a shiny new banner! i guess im even with my mom now,