IMPORTANT! Name change support and what it means for you

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by c0wg0d, Jul 4, 2016.

  1. flamefox1

    flamefox1 Master

    Although the 1 in flamefox1 is really starting to annoy me:(
  2. the_new_bo

    the_new_bo Hero

    The fab >:3
  3. SupersonicE9

    SupersonicE9 Retro Gamer Moderator Elder Helper VIP

    Think of it like you are #1! :)

    @flamefox1 deserves cake! :354:
    • Like Like x 1
  4. flamefox1

    flamefox1 Master

    And a :357:? ROFL
  5. SupersonicE9

    SupersonicE9 Retro Gamer Moderator Elder Helper VIP


    Ten cookies! :357::357::357::357::357::357::357::357::357::357:
  6. _Onion

    _Onion Farm Fresh Onions! Helper VIP

    Tip: To confirm a name, do /seen (current name) and it will show past names for that player.