Sandlot T-Shirts!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by cheracc, Nov 12, 2015.

  1. Chanz_

    Chanz_ Master Helper

  2. Chanz_

    Chanz_ Master Helper

    His Wut
  3. TrueVioletMU

    TrueVioletMU Adept

  4. HedwigandHarry

    HedwigandHarry Harry Potter Nerd

    Exactly, (I know I'm a lot late but they look so cool).
    • Like Like x 2
  5. mintyfridge

    mintyfridge Master

    Are they still on sale cause i have vip
  6. Rowanepic

    Rowanepic Master

    How do you buy a t-shirt? I really want one!
  7. _Onion

    _Onion Farm Fresh Onions! Helper VIP

    There is no more available, sorry
    • Like Like x 2
  8. Rowanepic

    Rowanepic Master

    Aww... Thanks, though!
  9. Sofie

    Sofie Master

    awesome @cheracc sadly i cant get one... wait.. 5 bucks! i can!!!! im gonna beg my dad :3
  10. _Onion

    _Onion Farm Fresh Onions! Helper VIP

    They are $15, and Add-ON VIP is $5. I don't think there is any more though.
  11. Sofie

    Sofie Master

    true.. i doubt theres any T-shirts left..
  12. cheracc

    cheracc Master Founder VIP

    I dont have many left, and what I do have are mostly smaller sizes. I'll see about putting them up for sale in the near future at a heavily discounted price.

    Stay tuned!
    • Like Like x 1
  13. Sofie

    Sofie Master

    aw man its to expensive :(