Commands that work everywhere
Command | Details |
/helpme <message> |
Sends your message to all helpers and moderators currently online. This can be helpful if you need assistance with something important. Please wait patiently for a reply after using the command. |
/afk |
Sends a message to all players stating that you are AFK (Away From Keyboard). This does not protect you from harm by mobs. If you type the command a second time, it will send a message to all players stating that you are no longer AFK. |
/me <message> /action <message> |
VIP only. Sends a styled emote message to everyone on the server you are on. This is useful when you want your message to stand out. |
/list |
Lists all players on the server you are on. |
/glist |
Lists all players on all of The Sandlot, separated by server. This list can be quite long–to see the full list, open your chat by pressing T and scrolling up with your mousewheel or the Page Up key. |
/find <player> |
Tells you which server the specified player is on. |
/seen <player> |
Tells you how long ago the specified player was on the server you are in currently. |
Chat Commands
Command | Details |
/pm <player> <message> /msg <player <message> /tell <player> <message> /say <player> <message> |
Send a private message to the specified player. Admins are able to read private messages which keeps the server safe for everyone. |
/r <message> /reply <message> |
Sends a reply to the last person who sent you a private message. |
Command | Details |
/spawn |
Teleports you to the center of the lobby. |
/fly |
VIP only. Allows you to fly. Press Spacebar twice to begin flying, then hold the Spacebar to go up and Shift to go down. To stop flying, press Spacebar twice. |
/vip |
Shows all VIP packages available for purchase. |
/pet |
VIP only. Allows you to summon a faithful companion who will follow you around the lobby! |
/hat |
VIP only. Places the block in your hand over your head. Haven’t you always wanted an Enderchest or TNT head? |
/disguise |
VIP only. Disguises you as a friendly or hostile mob! |
/trail |
VIP only. Leave a trail of flowers or stars everywhere you go, and more! |
Command | Details |
/spawn |
Teleports you to the easy spawn house, which is near the job hall and mall. You can get back to the Lobby from here by right clicking the Lobby sign. |
/sethome |
Sets your current location to your home location. If you die or type /home , you will be teleported back here. |
/sethome <name> |
VIP only. Will set one of your three homes. To return to this location, use /home <name> . |
/home |
Teleports you to the location where you last typed /sethome . |
/home <name> |
VIP only. Teleports you to the location where you last typed /sethome <name> . |
/tpa <player> |
Sends a request to teleport you to the specified player. If the player accepts your request, you will be teleported to them after 5 seconds. Once accepted, you cannot move or the teleport will fail. |
/tpaccept |
Accepts an incoming teleport request from another player that wishes to teleport to your location. |
/tpdeny |
Denies an incoming teleport request from another player that wishes to teleport to your location. |
/tptoggle |
Toggles on/off the ability to receive teleport requests from other players. If this is toggled on, you will not receive a notification when players send you teleport requests, and nobody will be able to teleport to your location. |
/back |
Teleports you back to your previous location. This is very useful if you die, because you will be able to go back and retrieve your items (in most cases). It can also be useful if you are mining. If your inventory is full, use /home to go home and empty your inventory, then /back to continue mining! |
/trapped |
Teleports you a few blocks away from your current position. This is useful if you find yourself trapped in someone else’s claim without the ability to get out. |
/workbench /ct |
VIP only. Allows you to open a workbench/crafting table from anywhere! You no longer need to carry one with you and continually place and break it! |
/recipe <item> |
Opens a display that shows you how to craft the specified item. You just need to specify the item name as it appears in the game, but without spaces. Some item examples include: brewingstand, enchantingtable, piston, repeater, diamondpickaxe. The full list of item names to use in recipes can be found here. To close the recipe window, press Esc or your inventory key. |
Jobs and Economy
Command | Details |
/bal /balance /money /econ |
Displays your current balance on the easy server. |
/baltop [page number] |
Displays the players with the highest balance. |
/pay <player> <amount> |
Pays the specified player the specified amount of money. The amount can be any number, and if the amount is in the thousands, it is recommended to use commas to prevent the chat filter from removing some of the zeros in the amount (100,000 for example). |
/jobs join <job> |
Joins the specified job. You can have two jobs maximum at a time. |
/jobs leave <job> |
Leaves the specified job. You can have two jobs maximum at a time. |
/jobs info <job> |
Gives you details about the specified job. Details include how much money and XP you earn for working your job. |
/jobs stats |
Gives you stats about the jobs you have. Stats include the level of your jobs and how much XP you’ve earned, as well as the amount of XP required to rank up to the next level. |
Horses and Pets
Horses and pets are automatically protected from harm by other players when you tame them. Once they are tamed, they belong to you.
Command | Details |
/givepet <name> |
Gives the pet to the specified player. After typing the command, right click the horse or pet you wish to give. |
Land Claims
Land claims are the primary method of protecting your buildings and all your stuff. Land claims are created and modified using a golden shovel. You can find them for free at the mall near spawn.
Command | Details |
/claimslist |
Lists all claims you have created, including coordinates, dimensions, and world (overworld, nether, end). |
/trust <name> |
Trusts specified player to do anything inside your claim(s). To trust for a single claim, stand inside it and execute this command. To trust for all your claims, stand outside all of them and execute this command. |
/untrust <name> |
Removes any given trust for the specified player inside your claim(s). To remove trust for a single claim, stand inside it and execute this command. To remove trust for all your claims, stand outside all of them and execute this command. |
/trustlist |
Lists trust permissions for the claim you are standing in. |
/abandonclaim |
Abandons the claim that you are standing inside of. |
/abandonallclaims |
Abandons all of your claimed land. This includes claims in all worlds (overworld, nether, and end). |
/subdivideclaims |
Enters “subdivision” mode. This allows you to make smaller “sub-claims” inside of a larger claim. |
/basicclaims |
Returns you to “basic claim” mode (after using /subdivideclaims ). |
/accesstrust <player> |
Gives the specified player access to use doors, buttons, levers, and beds inside your claim. |
/containertrust <player> |
Gives the specified player access to use containers, including chests, trapped chests, furnaces, brewing stands, enchanting tables, anvils, dispensers, and droppers inside your claim. |
/permissiontrust <player> |
Allows the specified player to /trust other players inside your claim. Use with caution. |
For more information about Grief Prevention, watch this Grief Prevention Tutorial video.
Chest and Door Protection
Chests, trapped chests, wooden doors, iron doors, trapdoors, anvils, brewing stands, minecarts with chests, shulker boxes, and armor stands can be protected with a plugin called LWC. Most of these items are automatically locked to you when placed.
Command | Details |
/cinfo |
Show the protection information for the chest. After typing the command, punch the chest with left click. |
/cprivate |
Locks the chest so only you can access it. After typing the command, punch the chest with left click. In most cases, this is not needed because the chests are automatically locked to you when placed. |
/cpublic |
Allows anyone to access the chest. After typing the command, punch the chest with left click. |
/cmodify <player> |
Adds or removes the specified player to or from the list of players who can open the chest. After typing the command, punch the chest with left click. |
/cremove |
Remove protection on the chest. After typing the command, punch the chest with left click. |
/chopper on |
Allows a hopper to place items into and remove items from the chest. After typing the command, punch the chest with left click. Use this command on the chest, not the hopper. |
For more information about LWC, see this LWC Getting Started guide.
Command | Details |
/spawn |
Teleports you to the semi-vanilla spawn manor, which is near the bank and player shops. You can get back to the Lobby from here by right clicking the Lobby sign. |
/sethome |
Sets your current location to your home location. If you die or type /home , you will be teleported back here. |
/sethome <name> |
VIP only. Will set one of your three homes. To return to this location, use /home <name> . |
/home |
Teleports you to the location where you last typed /sethome . |
/home <name> |
VIP only. Teleports you to the location where you last typed /sethome <name> . |
/tpaccept |
Accepts an incoming teleport request from another player that wishes to teleport to your location. Only WayMasters can initiate a teleport request. |
/tpdeny |
Denies an incoming teleport request from another player that wishes to teleport to your location. |
/tptoggle |
Toggles on/off the ability to receive teleport requests from other players. If this is toggled on, you will not receive a notification when players send you teleport requests, and nobody will be able to teleport to your location. |
/back |
Teleports you back to your previous location. This is very useful if you die, because you will be able to go back and retrieve your items (in most cases). It can also be useful if you are mining. If your inventory is full, use /home to go home and empty your inventory, then /back to continue mining! |
/trapped |
Teleports you a few blocks away from your current position. This is useful if you find yourself trapped in someone else’s claim without the ability to get out. |
/workbench /wb |
VIP only. Allows you to open a workbench/crafting table from anywhere! You no longer need to carry one with you and continually place and break it! |
/recipe <item> |
Opens a display that shows you how to craft the specified item. You just need to specify the item name as it appears in the game, but without spaces. Some item examples include: brewingstand, enchantingtable, piston, repeater, diamondpickaxe. The full list of item names to use in recipes can be found here. To close the recipe window, press Esc or your inventory key. |
Command | Details |
/qs find <item> |
Attempts to locate a nearby shop that is buying or selling the specified item. |
/qs buy |
Changes your shop to BUY items. You must select a shop before executing this command by left clicking it once. Requires Craftsman rank or higher. |
/qs sell |
Changes your shop to SELL items. You must select a shop before executing this command by left clicking it once. Requires Craftsman rank or higher. |
/qs price |
Changes the price of the item that your shop is selling. You must select a shop before executing this command by left clicking it once. Requires Craftsman rank or higher. |
The semi-vanilla economy is backed by gold. The bank near spawn can buy and sell gold.
Command | Details |
/bal /balance /money /econ |
Displays your current balance on the semi-vanilla server. |
/baltop [page number] |
Displays the players with the highest balance. |
/pay <player> <amount> |
Pays the specified player the specified amount of money. |
Horses and Pets
Horses and pets are automatically protected from harm by other players when you tame them. Once they are tamed, they belong to you.
Command | Details |
/givepet <name> |
Gives the pet to the specified player. After typing the command, right click the horse or pet you wish to give. |
Land Claims
Land claims are created and modified using a golden shovel.
Command | Details |
/claimslist |
Lists all claims you have created, including coordinates, dimensions, and world (overworld, nether, end). |
/trust <name> |
Trusts specified player to do anything inside your claim(s). To trust for a single claim, stand inside it and execute this command. To trust for all your claims, stand outside all of them and execute this command. |
/untrust <name> |
Removes any given trust for the specified player inside your claim(s). To remove trust for a single claim, stand inside it and execute this command. To remove trust for all your claims, stand outside all of them and execute this command. |
/trustlist |
Lists trust permissions for the claim you are standing in. |
/abandonclaim |
Abandons the claim that you are standing inside of. |
/abandonallclaims |
Abandons all of your claimed land. This includes claims in all worlds (overworld, nether, and end). |
/subdivideclaims |
Enters “subdivision” mode. This allows you to make smaller “sub-claims” inside of a larger claim. |
/basicclaims |
Returns you to “basic claim” mode (after using /subdivideclaims ). |
/accesstrust <player> |
Gives the specified player access to use doors, buttons, levers, and beds inside your claim. |
/containertrust <player> |
Gives the specified player access to use containers, including chests, trapped chests, furnaces, brewing stands, enchanting tables, anvils, dispensers, and droppers inside your claim. |
/permissiontrust <player> |
Allows the specified player to /trust other players inside your claim. Use with caution. |
For more information about Grief Prevention, watch this Grief Prevention Tutorial video.
Chest and Door Protection
Chests, trapped chests, wooden doors, iron doors, trapdoors, anvils, brewing stands, minecarts with chests, shulker boxes, and armor stands can be protected with a plugin called LWC. Most of these items are automatically locked to you when placed.
Command | Details |
/cinfo |
Show the protection information for the chest. After typing the command, punch the chest with left click. |
/cprivate |
Locks the chest so only you can access it. After typing the command, punch the chest with left click. In most cases, this is not needed because the chests are automatically locked to you when placed. |
/cpublic |
Allows anyone to access the chest. After typing the command, punch the chest with left click. |
/cmodify <player> |
Adds or removes the specified player to or from the list of players who can open the chest. After typing the command, punch the chest with left click. |
/cremove |
Remove protection on the chest. After typing the command, punch the chest with left click. |
/chopper on |
Allows a hopper to place items into and remove items from the chest. After typing the command, punch the chest with left click. Use this command on the chest, not the hopper. |
For more information about LWC, see this LWC Getting Started guide.
WayMaster Commands
The following commands are only available to players with the rank of WayMaster. Some of these commands charge a fee every time they are used.
Command | Details |
/enderchest /ec |
WayMasters only. Opens a portable Enderchest. Useful if you are in a remote location and want to empty inventory without having to go home and unload. |
/back |
WayMasters only. Costs 99 coins per use. Teleports you back to your previous location. This is very useful if you die, because you will be able to go back and retrieve your items (in most cases). It can also be useful if you are mining. If your inventory is full, use /home to go home and empty your inventory, then /back to continue mining! |
/tpa <player> |
WayMasters only. Costs 18 coins per use. Sends a request to teleport you to the specified player. If the player accepts your request, you will be teleported to them after 5 seconds. Once accepted, you cannot move or the teleport will fail. |
/tpahere <player> |
WayMasters only. Costs 18 coins per use. Sends a request to teleport the specified player to you. If the player accepts your request, they will be teleported to you after 5 seconds. Once accepted, they cannot move or the teleport will fail. |
For the /tpa
and /tpahere
commands, the WayMaster is always the one charged–the person typing /tpaccept
(or /tpdeny
) is not charged anything. The WayMaster will also only be charged if the command is successful–that is, if the targeted person accepts and is properly teleported. He will not be charged if the target denies the request.
Command | Details |
/lobby |
Exits Creative and returns you to the Lobby. |
/plot help |
Displays help text for all the available plot commands. |
/plot claim |
Claim the plot your standing in. |
/plot auto |
Claim the next free plot. |
/plot home [#] |
Teleports you to your plot. # if multiple plots. Examples:
/plot home will take you to your first plot.
/plot home 2 will take you to your second plot. |
/plot list |
Lists your plots. VIPs get 20 plots. |
/plot info |
Displays info on the plot you're standing on (The plot ID, owner, biome, expiration date, finished, helpers). |
/plot biomelist |
List all possible biomes. |
/plot biome <biome> |
Change the plot you’re currently standing in to a different biome. |
/plot generatebiome <biome> |
VIP only. Generates the specified biome on your plot. |
/plot trust <player> |
Gives permission for the player to build on your plot that you’re currently standing on. |
/plot add <player> |
Gives permission for the player to build on your plot that you’re currently standing on. This command only allows the specified player to build on your plot when you are online. |
/plot deny <player> |
Denies permission for the player to enter your plot. |
/plot remove <player> |
Removes permissions for the player on your plot that you’re currently standing on. This includes add, trust, and deny, meaning if you previously denied someone access to your plot, you can allow them back with this command. |
/plot delete |
Delete the plot you’re standing on. This will delete everything you built and unclaim the plot. |
/plot visit <player or plot id> |
Teleports you to the specified player's plot or the specified plot ID. |
/sethome |
Sets your current location to your home location. If you die or type /home , you will be teleported back here. |
/sethome <name> |
VIP only. Will set one of your three homes. To return to this location, use /home <name> . |
/home |
Teleports you to the location where you last typed /sethome . |
/home <name> |
VIP only. Teleports you to the location where you last typed /sethome <name> . |
/tpa <player> |
Sends a request to teleport you to the specified player. If the player accepts your request, you will be teleported to them after 5 seconds. Once accepted, you cannot move or the teleport will fail. |
/tpaccept |
Accepts an incoming teleport request from another player that wishes to teleport to your location. |
/tpdeny |
Denies an incoming teleport request from another player that wishes to teleport to your location. |
/tptoggle |
Toggles on/off the ability to receive teleport requests from other players. If this is toggled on, you will not receive a notification when players send you teleport requests, and nobody will be able to teleport to your location. |
/back |
Teleports you back to your previous location. |
/musicoff /music13 /musiccat /musicblocks /musicchirp /musicfar /musicmall /musicmellohi /musicstal /musicstrad /musicward /music11 /musicwait |
Plays the specified record on your plot that you're standing on indefinitely. Use /musicoff to disable. |
/timenoon /timesunset /timenight /timesunrise /timenormal |
Sets the specified time on your plot that you're standing on indefinitely. Use /timenormal to disable and allow time to progress normally. |
/wclear /wrain /wnormal |
Sets the specified weather on your plot that you're standing on. clear means it will never rain, rain means it will always rain, and normal means it will rain as it does in the rest of the world. |
/gm0 /gm1 /gm2 |
Sets the specified gamemode on your plot that you're standing on. 0 is survival, 1 is creative, and 2 is adventure. |
/rpname <name> |
VIP only. Displays the specified roleplay name in front of your chat messages. Use /rpname reset to remove. |
/rpname reset |
VIP only. Removes any roleplay name you have previously set. |
Hunger Games
Command | Details |
/help [page number] |
Shows information about Hunger Games. |
/lobby |
Exits Hunger Games and returns you to the Lobby. |
/quit |
Kills you. Use this if you are stuck somewhere with no other means to get out. If you are stuck in a trap and can’t get out, you are required to type this in to prevent matches lasting too long. |
/bal /balance /money /econ |
Shows how many tokens you have. |
/shop |
Opens the shop window where you can spend your tokens on items. |
/buykit <kit> |
Uses your tokens to purchase a kit. Once a kit is purchased, you can use it for all future matches. |
/kit (kit) |
At the start of the game, chooses a kit. With no argument, this will list all of the kits available. |
/kitinfo <kit> |
Shows you the description of a kit. |
/kititems <kit> |
Shows you the items that are given with a kit. |
/players |
Shows you the current players and spectators in the game, and the elapsed game time. |
/goto <player> |
As a spectator, teleports you to the named player. |
/ride |
As a spectator, toggles ride mode. With ride mode toggled on, you can right click on a player to ride on their shoulders and follow them around. |
/spawn |
As a spectator, teleports you to the spawn of the map. |
/time |
Shows the current time in the game. |
Command | Details |
/ctf leave |
Leave the CTF queue. |
/arena leave |
Leave the 1v1 Arena queue. |
/spleef leave |
Leave the Spleef queue. |
/ma leave |
Leave the Mob Arena queue. |
The Arena has a shop where you can buy armor and weapons for PvP battles in the free-for-all PvP zone. Items are lost on death. To earn money, play in the various arena games available.
Command | Details |
/bal /balance /money /econ |
Displays your current balance on the arena server. |
/baltop [page number] |
Displays the players with the highest balance. |
/pay <player> <amount> |
Pays the specified player the specified amount of money. |
Skyblock and Dirtblock
Command | Details |
/spawn |
Teleports you to the Skyblock spawn island. You can get back to the Lobby from here by right clicking the Lobby sign. |
/island help /is help |
Shows information about Skyblock commands. |
/is |
Starts a new island or teleports you to your current island. |
/is restart |
Deletes your island and starts a new one. |
/is sethome |
Set your island teleport point. |
/is level |
Check your island level. |
/is level <player> |
Check another player’s island level. |
/is party |
View your party information. |
/is warp <player> |
Teleports you to the specified player’s island. |
/is invite <player> |
Invites the specified player to join your island. If they accept, they will lose their island and join yours. |
/is leave |
Leaves another player’s island. |
/is accept |
Accepts an invitation to join another player’s island. |
/is reject |
Rejects an invitation to join another player’s island. |
/is kick <player> |
Kicks a player from your island. |
/is makeleader <player> |
Transfer your island to the specified player. |
/is setwarp |
Sets your island warp location. |
/is togglewarp |
Enables or disables warping to your island. |
/is ban <player> |
Bans or unbans the specified player from your island. |
/is top |
See the top ranked island. |
/is lock |
Non group-members can’t enter your island. |
/is unlock |
Allow anyone to enter your island. |
/is trust <player> |
Allows the specified player to build on your island. If they accept, they will still keep their island. |
/is untrust <player> |
Removes access for the specified player to build on your island. |
/challenges |
Lists all available challenges. |
/c <challenge> |
Tells you what is required to complete the specified challenge and what the reward is for completion. |
/c c <challenge> /c complete <challenge> |
Completes the specified challenge. |
Command | Details |
/lobby |
Exits Parkour and returns you to the Lobby. |
/pa cmds [page number] |
Shows information about all the available parkour commands. |
/pa join <course> |
Joins the specified parkour course. |
/pa leave |
Leaves the current parkour course and returns you to the parkour lobby. |
/pa invite <player> |
Invites the specified player to the course you are currently playing. |
/pa map <course> |
Gives the top 3 scores for the specified parkour course. |
/pa info <player> |
Shows information about your playtime on the current course, including course name, the last checkpoint you completed, number of deaths, and playtime. |
/pa list players |
Lists all the players currently playing parkour. |
/pa list courses |
Lists all the parkour courses available. These are the course names you use in the /pa join <course> command. |
Command | Details |
/lobby |
Exits Hardcore and returns you to the Lobby. |
/trapped |
Teleports you a few blocks away from your current position. This is useful if you find yourself trapped in someone else’s claim without the ability to get out. |
/workbench /wb |
VIP only. Allows you to open a workbench/crafting table from anywhere! You no longer need to carry one with you and continually place and break it! |
/recipe <item> |
Opens a display that shows you how to craft the specified item. You just need to specify the item name as it appears in the game, but without spaces. Some item examples include: brewingstand, enchantingtable, piston, repeater, diamondpickaxe. The full list of item names to use in recipes can be found here. To close the recipe window, press Esc or your inventory key. |
Land Claims
Land claims are the primary method of protecting your buildings and all your stuff. Land claims are created and modified using a golden shovel. You need to borrow a shovel from a friend or find and smelt gold to make a shovel.
Command | Details |
/claimslist |
Lists all claims you have created, including coordinates, dimensions, and world (overworld, nether, end). |
/trust <name> |
Trusts specified player to do anything inside your claim(s). To trust for a single claim, stand inside it and execute this command. To trust for all your claims, stand outside all of them and execute this command. |
/untrust <name> |
Removes any given trust for the specified player inside your claim(s). To remove trust for a single claim, stand inside it and execute this command. To remove trust for all your claims, stand outside all of them and execute this command. |
/trustlist |
Lists trust permissions for the claim you are standing in. |
/abandonclaim |
Abandons the claim that you are standing inside of. |
/abandonallclaims |
Abandons all of your claimed land. This includes claims in all worlds (overworld, nether, and end). |
/subdivideclaims |
Enters “subdivision” mode. This allows you to make smaller “sub-claims” inside of a larger claim. |
/basicclaims |
Returns you to “basic claim” mode (after using /subdivideclaims ). |
/accesstrust <player> |
Gives the specified player access to use doors, buttons, levers, and beds inside your claim. |
/containertrust <player> |
Gives the specified player access to use containers, including chests, trapped chests, furnaces, brewing stands, enchanting tables, anvils, dispensers, and droppers inside your claim. |
/permissiontrust <player> |
Allows the specified player to /trust other players inside your claim. Use with caution. |
For more information about Grief Prevention, watch this Grief Prevention Tutorial video.
Chest and Door Protection
Chests, trapped chests, wooden doors, iron doors, trapdoors, anvils, brewing stands, minecarts with chests, shulker boxes, and armor stands can be protected with a plugin called LWC. Most of these items are automatically locked to you when placed.
Command | Details |
/cinfo |
Show the protection information for the chest. After typing the command, punch the chest with left click. |
/cprivate |
Locks the chest so only you can access it. After typing the command, punch the chest with left click. In most cases, this is not needed because the chests are automatically locked to you when placed. |
/cpublic |
Allows anyone to access the chest. After typing the command, punch the chest with left click. |
/cmodify <player> |
Adds or removes the specified player to or from the list of players who can open the chest. After typing the command, punch the chest with left click. |
/cremove |
Remove protection on the chest. After typing the command, punch the chest with left click. |
/chopper on |
Allows a hopper to place items into and remove items from the chest. After typing the command, punch the chest with left click. Use this command on the chest, not the hopper. |
For more information about LWC, see this LWC Getting Started guide.