Hard Teams Opens Saturday 7/1 at 12pm EST

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by trubuhl, Jun 14, 2023.

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  1. trubuhl

    trubuhl The Stinky Sock Moderator Elder VIP

    Hard Teams Event opening Saturday July 1 @Noon eastern time!

    Hard will be closed Wednesday night in preparation for the opening of Hard Teams Event ON July 1 at noon eastern time. Hard will reset with a mostly Vanilla world (we reserve the right to include surprises), and four teams will compete to see which one can win the event!

    Anyone can join, new players to Hard are welcome as this is the perfect time to join forces with experienced teammates and play on the Hard server. Player scores will be totalled for each team to determine the final placements at the end of July. More players = more scores for that team so recruiting could matter a lot here!

    Please choose a Team by replying to this message. You may choose any team you want!

    Team BigIronMouse - led by @big_doogle, @Ironstance, and @ElleMouse you can count on having a great time with these Hard server veterans leading the way! You'll be a guaranteed contender on this team!
    Team Insanity - led by @Mizalin, @_Humory_, @BFridge, and @FantheFanofFans you can't go wrong with this crew! I wouldn't bet against them, they've won a lot.
    Team Headache (Helper) - led by @MCtwilight (yes she is on Team Helper for this) and @cxttoncandy you will probably have the most fun and a good looking base if you join this team! @Floofin will be helping when they can as well. Who knows, you might even win! :) It wouldn't be the first time for these players!
    Team Nemesis (Mod) - led by a ragtag crew of haphazard mods (@bizarr0, @BellStar, @KRiskKaT, @Monkey_Chicka, @LifeLearner, @Mickeyheart...), they don't have a lot of recent Hard server experience overall, but they do know some stuff so it'll be interesting to see how they do against the other teams in Hard. Team Mod is encouraged to go for the win! If they can... ;) Will you sign up to play with Team Mod? Or will you be banned for joining some other team? :eek:
    Please reply to this post with which team you wish to join. It is also OK to play solo on your own and not be part of the Teams Event, but I encourage you to join a team this month. All are welcome!
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 2, 2023
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  2. c0wg0d

    c0wg0d Master Owner Moderator Helper VIP

    I have to go back to my roots and join Team Helper! I can gather wood and cobblestone. :)
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  3. trubuhl

    trubuhl The Stinky Sock Moderator Elder VIP

    Well, since you are the owner of the server, I guess we can allow that. :p
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  4. Firepyth

    Firepyth a FIRE mathematician Elder Helper

    Team Helper FTW! I do think team MizoryFridgeFan has the best name though… can't really compare to that
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  5. MCtwilight

    MCtwilight Ed Shakespearean Moderator Elder Helper VIP

    I have to admit, this gave me a good laugh lol (or... should I be concerned that this is the rest of the Moderator team's way of letting me know I've been demoted? :) jk)

    Seriously though, join Team Helper! I can definitely confirm that with @cxttoncandy @Floofin and I leading it, many fun(ny) shenanigans will occur. Team Helper also has many unofficial slogans that I came up with on the spot...

    -We may have only won thrice, but do expect our base to look nice!

    -Join because of the star, just don't expect your score to be on par. ;)

    -While Floof, Candy, and MC banter, expect you may need to become the commander! :D

    Okay... so maybe don't listen to all of them. :)
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  6. cxttoncandy

    cxttoncandy slay queen Helper VIP

    AHAHAHA YES @MCtwilight and I are the epitome of dynamic duo, and especially with the help of floof we can guarantee absolute chaos. even if we don't win points wise (we definitely will but that's not the point) we are 100% taking the dub in style points :cool: join our team and i'll send u virtual cookies of any flavor with express shipping in addition to a hug to show our gratitude. we have much to establish (such as our slogan considering MC's are... interesting) hope y'all make the right decision on which team to join <3

    disclaimer: i am talking a big game about team helper but i guarantee you will have a blast on whichever team you choose as they all have something different to offer!! i'm so excited to see how this plays out:)
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  7. AndromedaJulie

    AndromedaJulie Official Namer of Pets Helper

    I'm gonna throw my hat in with Team Helper. Mainly because of the
    but also because of the fun. I'm NOT a good player but I can do simple stuff. For example, gather flowers, a big survival must.
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  8. Mickeyheart

    Mickeyheart Grandificent Grandmama Mickeyosity Moderator Helper VIP

    I will join Team Mod…. Eek!
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  9. bizarr0

    bizarr0 Marked safe from Trubuhl's Socks Moderator Elder VIP

    I've been authorized to speak on Bells behalf. Bells and I will be on Team Mod.

    @MCtwilight , we also have some slogans I came up with on the spot...

    Slogan 1. Join us, or be banned.
    Slogan 2. Win, or be banned.
    Slogan 3. Team Mod, we may be old but we are still awe...zzzzzzzz....
    Slogan 4. Join us, or get sent to Parkour, with your space bar disabled.
    Slogan 5. Please join Team Green, we don't know what we're doing.
    Slogan 6. Our cookies are better than Team Helper's.
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2023
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  10. Firepyth

    Firepyth a FIRE mathematician Elder Helper

    I'd gladly get sent to parkour
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  11. KRiskKaT

    KRiskKaT Piecing it together Moderator Elder Helper VIP

    I’ll do my best for Team Mod (for maybe a week until something else shiny catches my eye8D ). Or I wander off.
    Adding: our gourmet crumble cookies are definitely worth having! Made by mods living in tree houses, wearing pointy hats!
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2023
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  12. MajorPowell

    MajorPowell Dodging Creepers... Elder Helper VIP

    I’m definitely game for joining Team BigIronMouse and playing this round. I might be starting a new job in July, plus I have family coming for the first week or so, so that’s why I’m a “maybe” as I’m not sure how much time I’ll have. TBD as of now.

    However, this team with or without me, will be a force to reckon with! Some solid long time Hard experience and tons of fun rounds played by these team leaders. It’s sure to be a good showing and we’ll have a blast! I’m super excited for this round. Let’s go!!
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  13. cxttoncandy

    cxttoncandy slay queen Helper VIP

    just because i burned them doesn’t mean they aren’t still good ;(
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  14. Floofin

    Floofin doesn’t know cheesecakes are real Elder Helper VIP

    Chaos WILL be unleashed.

    he’s a very good dog and will be really helpful building our base xd
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  15. BFridge

    BFridge All the Farms! Elder Helper VIP

    Yay! Go team Mizoryfridgefan! Keep it cool!
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  16. FantheFanofFans

    FantheFanofFans Alien Living Among Us Helper VIP

    Knowing Bfridge, Humory, Miz, and I, we'll have all the farms built in the first week. So that's a plus! I'm super exited to be working with you guys!
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  17. Monkey_Chicka

    Monkey_Chicka Insert coffee to start Moderator Helper VIP

    All I want to say is that I hope team Mod will have the nicest looking builds and that everything above ground will look stunning. (Anything goes underground.)

    Now why do I have a feeling that team mod maybe more like herding cats??!?!

    I usually never go for all the aach and I don't do scary things like explore caves and such in Hard. This changes this round and I hope y'all can help me be brave and do all the things.

    We may not win but we will have fun! :) (Maybe I shouldn't be in the motto business.)
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  18. FantheFanofFans

    FantheFanofFans Alien Living Among Us Helper VIP

    Is the end going to be open from the start, or are we going to wait and kill together like always? If it's the second option, I vote we do it a bit earlier than usual, to give people those resources.
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  19. trubuhl

    trubuhl The Stinky Sock Moderator Elder VIP

    One thing to clarify: we will be playing in teams but there is no PVP, no traps, no sabotaging other teams. It's just a friendly competition.

    We'll probably all do the End together Fan, as usual. It will likely be pretty early, agreed.
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  20. Mizalin

    Mizalin Artisan

    This is definitely going to be fun! Win or not, will be great to see what we all accomplish!
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