IMPORTANT Protection Updates on SVS and Easy!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by c0wg0d, Apr 2, 2016.

  1. I don't know why B12 feels it isn't useful to punch hoppers, I do it all the time and feel MUCH better.
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  2. __Ranger

    __Ranger Craftsman

    I had a dream about this... And YAY -gives c0w some :296::296:- ;)
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  3. Xovyota

    Xovyota Has A Creative Title

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  4. danichef

    danichef Master

    this are all commands:
    /cpublic - Creates a public protection
    Alias of: /lwc -create public or /lwc -c public
    Anyone can use a Public protection, but no one can protect it.

    /cprivate - Create a private protection
    Alias of: /lwc -create private or /lwc -c private
    Private means private: you can also allow other users or groups to access the block as well. This is done by adding them after "private". You can add more than one group and/or user per command.
    When you prefix a User or Group with an '@', this User/Group will be able to modify the block and add other users. They cannot disable the owner from modifying it.

    /lwc -c private Username g:Groupname @username2
    /cprivate Username g:Groupname @username2

    /cpassword - Password-protect a block
    Alias of: /lwc -create password or /lwc -c password
    Each time you login you need to enter the password to access it (if someone else knows the password, they can access it too).

    /cmodify - Modify an existing protection, adding or removing users and/or groups.
    Alias of /lwc -modify or /lwc -m
    See /lwc create, the example for private protections. The same syntax is used for this command.
    There's an additional prefix however. Writing a '-' infront of a User or Group removes the access from the block.

    /lwc -m -g:Members - removes access to the chest for all Members
    /cmodify -User1 @someguy - removes access to the block for User1 and gives SomeGuy advanced privileges
    /cmodify town:confused:omeTown - grants access to the block for all members of SomeTown (Note: Tested with Towny)

    /cunlock - Unlock a password-protected block
    Alias of: /lwc -unlock or /lwc -u

    /cinfo - Punch a protection to view information on it
    Alias of /lwc -info or /lwc -i

    /cremove - Removes protection from a block
    Alias of /lwc -remove or /lwc -r

    /climits - View the amount of protections you are allowed to own
    Alias of /lwc -info limits or /lwc -i limits

    /lwc mode <mode name> <on/off>

    Persistent mode will let you perform your last command on multiple blocks, untill you turn it off.
    /lwc mode persist <on/off> - Turns on/off the persist mode

    (drop transfer is not able here)

    /lwc flag <flag name> <on/off>
    Usable flags: magnet, redstone, autoclose, allowexplosions, hopper, exemption

    Redstone: If "on", redstone can influence the protected block, e.g. open doors, disable hopper.
    Alias: /credstone <on/off>
    Magnet: Put nearby dropped items into the protected chest (or other blocks with inventories)
    AutoClose: Automagically close a protected door if it was opened
    AllowExplosions: Allows the protected block to be destroyed by an explosion
    Hopper: Controls whether or not hoppers can be used on a protected block
    Exemption: (Admin-only) Protection is exempt from being auto removed from LWC

    /lwc flag hopper off
    /lwc flag magnet on

    /lwc menu
    The basic version of the menu displays basic commands like /cprivate and /cinfo. The advanced version lets you see more info and detailed commands.
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2016
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  5. SnoopyBanna

    SnoopyBanna Master Helper

    Do we actually have permissions for this? It seems a little overkill, to drop any item anywhere and have it automatically disappear into a chest of your choosing anywhere in the world (at least, that's how I'm seeing it as described).
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  6. danichef

    danichef Master

    im not sure but in plugin forums its un players commands not in admins one.
  7. c0wg0d

    c0wg0d Master Owner Moderator Helper VIP

    If you do, you won't after tonight's restart. Didn't realize this was enabled by default.
  8. Kyukuro

    Kyukuro Elegant Builder of Pointy Structures Moderator Elder Helper VIP

    That is how it works, but I don't know the maximum range on it. (If there is one).

    Yes, we do have permission for the command; I tested it earlier.
  9. pizzadog2

    pizzadog2 It's-a pizza time! Helper VIP

    I know, but in the transition, will it affect the ownership?
  10. Avatar_plays_MC

    Avatar_plays_MC Help I'm stuck in a simulation!

    It would be pretty cool to have it automatically go into the chest if you're just within 5 blocks.... though its basically free hoppers lol
  11. c0wg0d

    c0wg0d Master Owner Moderator Helper VIP

    Now I understand what you mean. So YOU protected someone else's chest that was currently protected only to them with Lockette. Then yes, when Lockette goes away, it effectively becomes your chest.

    For this reason, I am giving everyone several weeks to ensure that they are protecting all their chests properly. If there are any owner disputes, they need to be reported ASAP, before Lockette goes away.
  12. danichef

    danichef Master

    remember that that (/cAutoClose on) can work as lockette timer.;)
    (only thing is that in this version is alittle bit gliched but in next one it works perfectly)
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  13. Gamedude3

    Gamedude3 Master VIP

    When you do /cpersist and punch a chest, are we supposed to see anything happen? Also, if we have not done /cpersist to a chat but it still has lockette, will the chest still be protected?

  14. Chanz_

    Chanz_ Master Helper

  15. Avatar_plays_MC

    Avatar_plays_MC Help I'm stuck in a simulation!

    If it gives you that pending action other plugin cancelled it error, you probably used a command from another plugin. Just finish doing the command (for example the error message would appear when you right clicked a lockette sign(to edit it) and would go away if you edited it) and then do the LWC command and you should be good. Try to turn off /cpersist or finish using the LWC command before using other commands.
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  16. ljl23

    ljl23 Master Helper VIP

    LWC would be fine, but I perfer Lockette. Oh well, it's very buggy so I guess that is that. The reason I perfer it is because I can never remember the LWC commands and permissions. :rolleyes:
  17. c0wg0d

    c0wg0d Master Owner Moderator Helper VIP

    It will still be protected with Lockette, but not for long. Please re-read my original post for details.
  18. Gamedude3

    Gamedude3 Master VIP

    Ok thanks!
  19. PEP56

    PEP56 Master

    You may not be able to use timers, but you can set doors, trapdoors, and gates to automatically close with this command:

    /lwc flag autoclose on

    Enjoy! :)

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  20. danichef

    danichef Master

    i said it in a post before