Minecraft 1.9, "Outdated server", and the future of The Sandlot

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by c0wg0d, Feb 29, 2016.

  2. zilory

    zilory Watching the days go by Elder Helper

    You'll be WAAAAAAing for a while ;)
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  3. DattMale

    DattMale Master

    wow 6-12 months thats a looong time :eek:
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  4. zilory

    zilory Watching the days go by Elder Helper

  5. queenCaoimhe

    queenCaoimhe Expert

    Not exactly, considering 1.8 was released in 2014, and some servers here on Sandlot aren't even updated to that yet.
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2016
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  6. the_new_bo

    the_new_bo Hero

    Sigh... I want to destroy people with my pet shulker so.... Update! :D
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  7. I will poison him with my arrows so he will be to sick to fight.
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  8. HedwigandHarry

    HedwigandHarry Harry Potter Nerd

    c0wg0d, how do I switch it back to 1.9?
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  9. You just do the same thing but you have to scroll up to see the option!
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  10. HedwigandHarry

    HedwigandHarry Harry Potter Nerd

    Ok thx
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  11. You sound like a news reporter c0w.
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  12. Isn't that redundant? Don't you just say "you sound like a news c0w"?
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  13. TheAfkOne

    TheAfkOne something amusing VIP

    Reposted from my other thread about Sandlot in 1.9 (@c0wg0d):
  14. Now if only my lan would work I made a whole thread about it and it still is broken so I can't do pvp so I will get bored of it very quickly!
  15. ?????

    "You sound like a news c0w" is not the proper grammar.
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  16. TheOneCrafter

    TheOneCrafter PVP Master Helper VIP

    I think he means "news c0w" like 'news reporter'.
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  17. Got it in one TOC321...I think QT intended "you sound like a news reporter, c0w.", so I decided to have fun with a missing comma.
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  18. iiProficsk

    iiProficsk Adept VIP

  19. HedwigandHarry

    HedwigandHarry Harry Potter Nerd

    I saw a picture of a shulker, but I'm on 1.9 Whovian, I will help take care of the shulker if he/she won't attck me!!!! :)
  20. HedwigandHarry

    HedwigandHarry Harry Potter Nerd

    Please let me try that again because I spelt "attack" wrong. Whovian, I will take care of your shulker with you if he/she won't attack me!!! :)