Sandloctober? Sandloween? Oh just give me the candy already...

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by c0wg0d, Oct 5, 2015.

  1. SmolJar

    SmolJar obsessed with fish and axolotls

    there is some when you click a certan sign in the library *hint hint*
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  2. partialjewel

    partialjewel Espada 4 VIP

    i have 5 gold galleons and it does not work.
  3. Kyukuro

    Kyukuro Elegant Builder of Pointy Structures Moderator Elder Helper VIP

    The kit signs are up the stairs, to the left in Gringotts Bank.
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  4. partialjewel

    partialjewel Espada 4 VIP

  5. SmolJar

    SmolJar obsessed with fish and axolotls

    NOO mom i'm not giving away ANY candy! [​IMG]
    Mom: but honey it's filling up the living room! can't we at least put it in boxes? *as shown here*
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  6. ILVG4

    ILVG4 Expert

    I can't wait for the opening of the halloween adventure! I VANT TO SUCK YOUR BLOOD!!!
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  7. SwiftPoot

    SwiftPoot Master

    Mmmmmmmmm... gimme all the candy....
  8. FrogDistributor

    FrogDistributor Master VIP

    i kind of just joined, went into saiman haunted house and had it in my inventory. is it rare or something?
  9. LifeLearner

    LifeLearner The One Who Knows Moderator Elder VIP

    You get it by defeating Lord Voldemort, so not super rare, but uncommon.