The Sandlot is celebrating 10 amazing years online! Thank you!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by c0wg0d, Dec 2, 2021.

  1. ItalianRepublic

    ItalianRepublic Garden of Eden

    omg happy server birthday
    The sandlot and the people here have been very important parts of my life. Even though I plan on going soon I'll still value you guys for being so influential in my life as I've matured, I joined this server when I was 7 and now I'm 14 which is just crazy, so uh yeah thanks guys <3
    • Friendly Friendly x 2
  2. ecofriendlywood

    ecofriendlywood Never gonna run around and desert you

    everyones writing sincere stuff and i have no idea what to say
  3. Just_Juls

    Just_Juls a little strawberry <3

    Ok ill help

    yay sandlot is the best it is my life <3

    • Creative Creative x 1
  4. c0wg0d

    c0wg0d Master Owner Moderator Helper VIP

    I have updated the original post with 2 new videos. One is for the fan art, and one is a wonderful surprise from @GrassPelt called A Look Back in Time! Please check them both out!
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  5. TruWolf_

    TruWolf_ One Ring to Hyrule them All Elder Helper

    Awesome work y’all!!

    @Floofin I appreciate the wolf with the head band ty
    • Funny Funny x 1
  6. Floofin

    Floofin doesn’t know cheesecakes are real Elder Helper VIP

    Omg everyone’s Fanart was so cool I should have put more time into mine
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. Just_Juls

    Just_Juls a little strawberry <3

    ok, WOW.

    Ok I totally cringed when I saw mine at the end...

    Also big shout out the @TruWolf_ that was litterally better than the official Minecraft art!!! x D

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  8. TruWolf_

    TruWolf_ One Ring to Hyrule them All Elder Helper

    Oh my goodness idk about that but thanks a ton!! xd
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  9. SupersonicE9

    SupersonicE9 Retro Gamer Moderator Elder Helper VIP

    Oh yeah; I found that piece to be fascinating.
    It really reminds me of the old lobby where the Creative sign was located, just with the placement and angle of where everything falls.
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  10. siamesecat123

    siamesecat123 Master

    i joined in like 2013 when i was like 8. i am elderly now. im turning into dust.
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  11. KRiskKaT

    KRiskKaT Piecing it together Moderator Elder Helper VIP

    Log in! The water is lovely this time of year :D
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  12. trubuhl

    trubuhl The Stinky Sock Moderator Elder VIP

    I joined in 2013 also :)
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Useful Useful x 1
  13. MajorPowell

    MajorPowell Dodging Creepers... Elder Helper VIP

    I joined in 2013. I think I was initially bigred on the forums because it didn't initially use your IGN iirc, then wingnut and a couple of other name changes, then finally landed on majorpowell.

    Over the years, I've had all of my family playing on Sandlot, including my wife and each of our kids! We've loved it and have always appreciated having a safe and fun place to play online. I feel like our kids have grown up here. Lots of good times, lots of memories, and lots and lots of new friends made along the way.

    One fond memory I have is I used to play on Sandlot together with my oldest son when he went off to college, and we would do a facetime call alongside our laptops to have a voice chat and joke around. It gave us a reason to catch up almost nightly and just hang out together as he started his new chapter in life. Good times!

    Congratulations, Sandlot! Here's to another 10 great years!

    Cheers, friends!
    • Beautiful Beautiful x 7
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  14. LegoBoyo

    LegoBoyo Pop Culture Enthusiast Elder Helper

    I joined in 2015. Met a TON of people along the way. My first friend was Diapason2014. Then came along more friends, RifRaf5150, @9legopro, @Mariocrity, @SupersonicE9, @Mickeyheart, AniMayhem, and so many more. I am insanely happy my mom introduced me to this server instead of another which was sketchier. I've played a lot, this server has kind of died down, but it still has its magic and the number one thing. Making this server a better place for people of all ages. Sure, it may be strict in some ways, but that's how we keep it together. I'm happy with how everything has come along, I like to thank cheracc, @c0wg0d and everyone on this server for making that possible. I love you all! <3
    • Friendly Friendly x 3
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