Hello everyone! I proposed some changes several years ago to the Adventure server, which you can read about here: https://www.sandlotminecraft.com/threads/adventure-discussion-feedback-requested.35706/ I am going to begin implementing these changes soon, and I need your help. One of the things I am planning on doing is "polishing" the Hogwarts map. What this means is that I need everyone who can help to go into Adventure and look for the following list of things, and posting either the coordinates and a description of what you found, or a screenshot with your F3 debug menu on so I can see the coordinates and what you are looking at: Monster spawner blocks Floating leaves or blocks that look out of place Blocks like stairs or chests that are sideways/backwards Broken signs or redstone devices Signs with typos on them Areas that seem like they should not be accessible Holes in the barrier/glass wall that shouldn't be there I would also like to hear from you if you are confused about anything you see in the Hogwarts Adventure map. My goal, as stated in the thread linked above, is to make Adventure more of a guided role playing game with clear objectives and goals. For those wondering why monster spawner blocks are on the list above, my goal there is to greatly reduce the amount of lag people have experienced on Adventure by only using natural mob spawning except in very certain situations where it is appropriate (such as getting horcruxes, for example). Please post anything you find directly in this thread, and please share your feedback on Adventure, good or bad. Thank you!
I found a few spawners.. part 1 Spoiler: Spawner list part 1 (whew) 814/78/-1678 849.63.-1725 850.63.-1765 869.63.-1779 891.65.-1855 888.67.-1863 x2 881.72.-1867 849.92.-1920 855.91.-1923 768.78.-1908 701.92.-1776 661/95/-1828 661/95/-1825 652/96/-1829 623/65/-1856 578/65/-1926 579/65/-1928 579/63/-1932 560/71/-1994 568/82/-2009 559/72/-2008 561/72/-2014 566/72/-2018 559/74/-2037 565/81/-2042 620/65/-2004 615/64/-1998 612/66/-1998 604/66/-2017 636/91/-1963 639/91/-1960 645/93/-1942 643/94/-1948 655/85/-1944 650/79/-1949 649/79/-1951 651/62/-1959 649/69/-1959 634/67/-1983 635/70/-1985 633/67/-1980 676/94/-2077 x5 638/48/-1980 x2 678/100/-1961 682/100/-1963 690/100/-1973 682/100/-1980 664/83/-1981 643/83/-1990 639/79/-2025 6445/78/-2030 650/79/-2031 645/80/-2024 651/81/-2035 653/85/-2039 x2 651/87/-2042 x2 633/80/-2041 641/80/-2051 643/79/-2049 646/85/-2053 640/79/-2065 636/76/-2068 633/77/-2071 637/76/-2071 649/99/-2061 653/102/-2055 653/102/-2062 659/102/-2062 659/103/-2059 662/102/-2063 677/100/-2048 x8 656/75/-2073 x2 671/75/-2073 x2 683/73/-2064
If you give a scientist a clipboard... they'll look for some data to collect ... Spoiler: Spawners Part Deux 671/83/-1842 669/82/-1856 x3 672/84/-1866 665/80/-1874 654/76/-1867 659/75/-1883 656/86/-1920 x3 874/100/-1935 874/107/-1914 x2 866/67/-1879 884/67/-1899 x2 889/67/-1910 903/67/-1908 x3 921/65/-1874 x2 918/64/-1865 x2 941/71/-1864 948/69/-1877 x3 949/64/-1894 x2 949/67/-1906 x2 956/67/-1917 x2 925/66/-1919 x3 943/62/-1913 1018/64/-1943 x2 1038/67/-1950 1108/74/-2096 1071/74/-2102 x4 1093/74/-2144 x4 1020/74/-2154 x2 1006/74/-2125 990/74/-2102 995/74/-2074 968/73/-2066 x2 933/69/-2061 901/69/-2061 x2 862/70/-2062 861/74/-2071 x3 860/78/-2092 x3 830/75/-2105 x2 787/77/-2103 759/76/-2111 749/77/-2115 x5 720/80/-2117 710/82/-2123 753/106/-2153 759/110/-2158 x2 774/111/-2166 x2 763/106/-2172 785/97/-2172 813/73/-2197 843/78/-2223 868/74/-2189 869/102/-2240 x3 860/100/-2240 861/103/-2249 x5 850/99/-2247 x2 869/100/-2252 x3 815/89/-2279 x3 770/86/-2335 757/83/-2315 x3 752/87/-2336 735/74/-2310 605/96/-2190 615/77/-2204 635/63/-2247 630/82/-2243 647/86/-2270 x2 662/79/-2289 682/76/-2278 (hagrid’s area)x8+ 686/84/-2309 691/94/-2322 728/97/-2297 735/74/-2310 756/81/-2308 x3 752/87/-2336 766/100/-2390 843/100/-2400 892/92/-2377 869/101/-2378 x14 +dogs Whew!
It’s a classic map for players who have been here for a long time.. the only work that needs to be done to it is whatever’s being done right now. It’s also a historically significant map in the server’s history, so throwing hard work like that out the window would likely be relatively unpopular.